Wichita Photography Resources

photo prints

If you want to print images from your digital photography files at home, you can probably accomplish that with decent photo printsquality using a good color inkjet printer and high quality photographic paper.  As the good quality coated paper is quite expensive, it is advisable to complete all cropping and changes in your imaging software before giving the print command.

In some cases, regular color inkjet and laser printers might not be the best choice. Dye-sublimation printers are good for smaller 4×6 prints but the paper and ink for these printers are frightfully expensive. When you are printing larger than 8×10, you might not be happy with the results from your own digital photography printing. In such cases, you should use either one of the brick-and-mortar, or online photo labs.

Professional photo labs can carry out quality digital photography printing from the information on your memory card and as such, you can take your CD, digital camera or the memory card to them for getting quality prints.

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