The Basic Golf Swing

Golf tips

If you’ve ever been on the golf course or driving range and tried to use all your strength in your golf swing to hit the ball as far as possible, then you already understand that this technique does not work very well. In fact, you were probably lucky if you hit the ball at all, and if you did manage to make contact with the ball it probably went nowhere near the direction you wanted it to go.

Golf swingOne of the reasons that your ball didn’t go in the right direction and/or maybe it didn’t even go as far as you thought it would go is because even though it does take strong conditioned muscles to hit the ball a great distance, it doesn’t mean that hitting the ball with all your might is the best approach.

Hitting the ball with the basic golf swing is more physics than strength.

For example, if you look at a bag of clubs you’ll notice that each club is designed differently. Each club is designed to do a certain job at a certain distance so choosing the right club will also help with the basic golf swing.

Once you are able to pick the proper club and be able to control that club then and only then can you begin to work on power. You should also know that power does not always mean strength. You don’t have to be a body builder to make long tee shots but you do need to condition you golfing muscles.

Also you need to know how to position your body for the proper basic golf swing so the club will connect with the ball at the correct angle to get the most out of the club and the swing.

Practice, practice, and more practice will be the only way for you to learn the basic golf swing. Unfortunately, there is no magical dust that you can sprinkle over yourself or your clubs to give you the basic golf swing. The best way to learn is to have an instructor or a friend show you the basic golf swing and then practice that swing over and over until you can do it without even thinking about it.

Private Wichita Golf Courses

  • Flint Hills National Golf Club
    Andover, KS
  • Crestview Country Club – North
    1000 N 127th Street East, (316) 733-1344
  • Crestview Country Club – South
    1000 N 127th Street East, (316) 733-1344
  • Reflection Ridge Golf Club
    7700 Reflecton Road, (316) 721-4653
  • Rolling Hills Country Club
    9612 W Maple, (316) 722-1181
  • Tallgrass Country Club
    2400 N Tallgrass, (316) 684-4110
  • Wichita Country Club
    8501 East 13th, (316) 634-2882
  • Willowbend Golf Club
    8001 E Mulberry, (316) 636-4653