Many organizations in Wichita provide community services for the benefit of our community. These organizations are committed to the pursuit of social justice, to the enhancement of the quality of life, and to the development of the full potential of each individual in Wichita Kansas.
Connecting Point
Early Childhood Resources
Catholic Charities and Social Services
Meets community needs in south central and southeast Kansas by providing tools to change lives. Serving all people. Helping renew lives
Episcopal Social Services Venture House
A Christ-centered ministry that brings hope to people in need by offering opportunities for positive changes in their lives and provides ways for people to express their faith through service.
Family Services Institute
‘Developing strong families and raise healthy, happy children by providing an array of neighborhood, school and community based services to help solve adolescent, preteen and family problems.
Families Together
Parent Training and Information center serving Kansas families who include a son/daughter with disabilities.
Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland, Inc.
Almost 3,000 adult volunteers support 10,000 girls throughout Butler, Cowley, Harvey, Sedgwick and Sumner counties. Activities are designed to develop talents, learn to relate to others, discover values and contribute positively to their community.
Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita
Programs and services to keep older people independent, active and in thier own homes: Meals on Wheels, Respite Care, etc.
Wichita Children’s Home
The Wichita Children’s Home has served the needs of the community’s children for over 100 years, first as an orphanage, and today, as a temporary, emergency shelter for children in crisis.
KETCH (Kansas Elks Training Center for the Handicapped)
Promotes independence for persons with disabilities through innovative learning experiences that support individuals choices for working, living and playing in their community.
Lord’s Diner
Responding to Christ’s call to feed the hungry, The Lord’s Diner, a not-for-profit soup kitchen operated by the community for the community, provides an evening meal seven days a week.
Rainbows United
Works from five locations throughout the city, serving children, their siblings, and their parents with physical and occupational therapies, speech and language therapy, respite care, nursery services, center-based preschool, medical services, child care and transportation.
The Salvation Army
Offers 13 programs serving children, youth, families, the troubled and the elderly. Federally supplied commodities are distributed monthly, while warm coats and blankets are distributed in January to low-income families.
Sedgwick County Developmental Disability Organization
SCDDO is the agency that ensures services and support are available for children and adults with developmental disabilities.
United Way of the Plains
United Way of the Plains is a local, volunteer-driven organization. United Way brings the community together to address critical issues such as care for the elderly, youth at risk, disaster relief, and more. United Way of the Plains serves Sedgwick and surrounding counties in south Central Kansas.
Quivira Council Boy Scouts of America
Part of a group of some 500 scouting units scattered across 19 counties in south central Kansas. These scouting troops serve some 15,000 boys through the active participation of approximately 5,000 adult volunteers.
One of the largest nonprofit, child welfare agencies in Kansas, specializing in foster care, adoption and counseling.